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Summary Profile

Asset Summary

Default Key Statistics

Earnings Trend

Period Growth Average Earnings Estimate Low Earnings Estimate High Earnings Estimate Year Ago EPS Number of Analysts Earnings Growth Average Revenue Estimate Low Revenue Estimate High Revenue Estimate Year Ago Revenue Revenue Growth Current EPS Trend EPS Trend 7 Days Ago EPS Trend 30 Days Ago EPS Trend 60 Days Ago EPS Trend 90 Days Ago EPS Up Last 7 Days EPS Up Last 30 Days EPS Down Last 30 Days

Income Statement

Year Total Revenue Cost of Revenue Gross Profit Research and Development Selling, General, and Administrative Non-Recurring Total Operating Expenses Operating Income Total Other Income/Expense, Net EBIT Interest Expense Income Before Tax Income Tax Expense Minority Interest Net Income from Continuing Operations Discontinued Operations Extraordinary Items Effect of Accounting Changes Other Items Net Income Net Income Applicable to Common Shares

Cash Flow Statment

End Date Net Income Depreciation Change to Net Income Change to Account Receivables Change to Liabilities Change to Operating Activities Total Cash From Operating Activities Capital Expenditures Investments Other Cashflows From Investing Activities Total Cashflows From Investing Activities Net Borrowings Other Cashflows From Financing Activities Total Cash From Financing Activities Effect of Exchange Rate Change In Cash Repurchase Of Stock

Balance Sheet

Year Total Current Assets Cash and Short Term Investments Accounts Receivable Total Inventory Prepaid Expenses Other Current Assets Total Assets Property/Plant/Equipment Goodwill Intangible Assets Other Long Term Assets Total Liabilities Accounts Payable Short/Current Long Term Debt Other Current Liabilities Total Long Term Debt Other Long Term Liabilities Minority Interest Total Shareholder Equity Treasury Stock Retained Earnings Common Stock Other Stockholder Equity

SEC Filings

Date Type Title Edgar URL


Date Earnings Average Earnings Low Earnings High Revenue Average Revenue Low Revenue High Dividend Date ex-Dividend Date

Insider Holders

Name Relationship Transaction Type Transaction Date Shares Owned Value

Transaction Data

Period Buy Info Count Buy Info Shares Buy Percent Insider Shares Sell Info Count Sell Info Shares Sell Percent Insider Shares Net Info Count Net Info Shares Net Percent Insider Shares Total Insider Shares

Insider Transactions

Filer Name Filer Relation Transaction Text Shares Value Start Date Ownership

Institutional Ownership (%)

Insiders Percent Held Institutions Percent Held Institutions Float Percent Held Institutions Count

Institutional Owners

Organization % Held Position Value Report Date % Change

Analyst Ratings

Date Strong Buy Buy Hold Sell Strong Sell

ESG Scores

Total ESG Score Environment Score Social Score Governance Score ESG Performance Peer Group Related Controversy Peer ESG Score Performance Peer Governance Performance Peer Social Performance Peer Environment Performance Peer Highest Controversy Performance Percentile Environment Percentile Social Percentile Governance Percentile Adult Alcoholic Animal Testing Catholic Controversial Weapons Small Arms Fur/Leather Gambling GMO Military Contract Nuclear Pesticides Palm Oil Coal Tobacco